After 10th Class
After Tenth Jobs
You can got central and state government jobs after completion of tenth(10th) The Central Police Organizations - CPO (security departments) and Constable (General Duty) Recruitment Staff Selection Commission will release jobs notifications every year..

- BSF - Border Security Force
- CISF - Central industrial Security Force
- CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force
- SSB - Sashastra Seema Bal
- ITBP - Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force
Candidates must be eligible to appear for the exam. Age 18 to 23 years. 170 cm for men, women and 157 cm Height.
The general condition of the male candidates’ chest circumference of 80 cm, 85 cm of air inhaled should be.
Selection: Selection is done in three phases.
- The first step: the physical efficiency test. Factor is carried out sprinting. After the jump, high jump events are.
- The second stage: it is the subject of a written test. The first step in the written test will consist of objective tests, those who are eligible. It sees the General Intelligence, Reasoning, General Knowledge, Awareness, Elementary Mathematics, English / Hindi subjects given questions.
- Third stage: the success of the first two phases of the tests they carry out medical examinations are the final ..
Strives to protect the country from the Army, Navy, Air Force annually in the areas of employment will be replaced. Class, interface, and then those who are qualified for these pieces are available in various posts. The job of the details of which are available on the basis of the class...
INDIAN ARMY:- Indian Army under the Ministry of Defense to compensate for the different types of jobs will be issued for the purpose of advertising. The district headquarters, towns, walk-in / interviews carried out. Army posts were mainly available to everyone ... Soldier (General Duty).
- Qualifications: Candidates should have passed at least 45 per cent marks. Age should be between 17 1/2 to 21 years. First, the physical capacity test is performed after the written test. Those who are selected to perform medical examinations to qualify them.
- Indian Navy , providing jobs for those who pass the class. Only unmarried men are eligible for this posts.
- Cooks: Passed Candidates can apply, for this duties as part of the food.
- stivards: the class are entitled to have passed. Officers mess when food supply is required. Waiters, housekeeping, maintenance and other tasks have assignments of responsibilities. Given the appropriate training.
- Age: all kinds of candidates for the post of age should be between 17 to 21 years. Objective criteria consist of a written test. It sees the physical capacity to carry out tests to qualify.
- The Indian Air Force to pass the class Airman offers a variety of jobs
- Qualifications: Candidates should have passed at least 45 per cent marks. Age should be between 17 and 25 years.height of 157 cm, 80 cm chest in the normal position, the air is inhaled 85 cm Should be.
- First, the physical capacity test is performed after the written test. Those who are selected to perform medical examinations to qualify them.
Railway Protection Force Constables:
Railway Protection section of the Railway Protection Force / Railway Protection Special Force Constable Posts are replaced. This process is governed by the Railway Recruitment Board. This Act. Can be applied to men.
- Candidates should have passed Class X. Age should be between 18 and 25 years.
- Selection: Written test is carried out along the lines of the objective. ARITHMETIC halls, General Intelligence, General Awareness. Exam in English, Hindi and regional language of the respective states to be done. It sees the physical capacity to carry out tests for those who qualify.
Group - IV Jobs
Replacement of public employment in the state of affairs of the Andhra Pradesh/TS Public Service Commission engages. Group - IV level of employment in a group - I cedar of the recruitment process is carried . Pass the class which they could apply for jobs in the know about the ...
- Welfare and Correctional Services Sub-Group IV juvenile AP level supervisors, myatran posts.
- Qualifications: Candidates must be between the ages of 18 to 34 . Written exam will be scheduled. The final selection is done on the basis of the marks obtained in the written examination. Will not be interviewed.
Department of Forest jobs
District wise of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and Telangan Forest Department offers a variety of employment opportunities.
- Assistant Beat Officers
- Bangla vacar
- Thagedaru
- Age: 18 to 30 years of age should be between the candidates for these posts. Height: 163 cm for men, women and 150 cm Should be.
- Selection: those who are eligible are the first tests of physical measurements. If eligible, which is a written test.
Written Test Method: 1) Essay writing (General Essay 20 marks. Time: one hour)
2) General Knowledge (100 out of time: hour and a half)
3) Mathematics (100 marks Time: hour and a half) Exam test. - Those who qualify the written examination held in the walk test. A distance of 25 kilometers within four hours of halls for men and women to complete the 16 km distance. Candidates will be selected on the basis of performance. Based on the statements would vacancies.