Medical Courses
This is a kind of material provision to the different organisms and cells so as to sustain life. Even known as nourishment, such provision is found to be in the form of eatables. Nutrition or a healthy diet helps in the prevention of many health problems, which are commonly caused from malnutrition. To make people aware about this field that supports life, several schools and colleges all over the world have started imparting education on nutrition through various courses.Food technology and social education include nutrition as a subject. These courses assist one in understanding the worth of a balanced diet. A detailed knowledge about this teaches one the know-how of reading the nutrition labels.

Current Scenario of Nutrition Courses in India Nowadays, a number of students are inclined towards building a career as a nutritionist. To be an efficient nutrition professional, one needs to have an in-depth knowledge of the subject though. This is solely possible by pursuing a course on nutrition. There are many institutions in the nation, which offer diverse courses on this subject. Such courses range from diploma to certificate ones in the under graduate to post graduate level of education. A candidate, who intends to graduate in the field of nutrition, needs to have successfully completed the Plus Two level of study in the discipline of science. Generally, science graduates are allowed to pursue a post graduate degree or diploma course, which are related to nutrition. After completing the required courses, an aspirant can work in the Republic of India as any of the below mentioned professionals:
- Administrative nutritionist
- Business nutritionist
- Clinical nutritionist
- Community nutritionist
- Consultant nutritionist
- Gerontological nutritionist
- Pediatric nutritionist
- Research nutritionist
Major Examinations of Nutrition Courses in India To join any of the above mentioned courses, a student needs to appear as well as qualify in the admission test conducted by the respective nutrition institutes of the Indian Republic. Following are the names of some of the well known nutrition entrance examinations, which are conducted in different parts of the country:
- All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health or A.I.I.H.P.H. Entrance Examination
- Annamalai University or A.U. Master of Science or M.Sc. in Dietetics Entrance Examination
- Indira Gandhi National Open University or I.G.N.O.U. Master of Science in Dietetics and Food Service Management Nutritional Biochemistry Examination
- Manipal University or M.U. Master of Science in Dietetics and Applied Nutrition Entrance Examination
- Mangalore University M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management Entrance Examination
- Osmania University Entrance Examination
- Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey or S.N.D.T. Women's University Post Graduate Diploma or P.G.D. in Dietetics Entrance Examination
- University of Kerala or K.U. Master of Science in Dietetics Entrance Examination
- University of Mumbai Master of Science in Dietetics Entrance Examination